You may already know how powerfully M-Files works to make your structured and unstructured data easier to access and use for more efficient and productive workflows. But there may be times when you wish to have a tighter integration between M-Files and your ERP data stored in SQL Server.
The solution is MFSQL Connector. This certified M-Files add-on enables a deep connection for SQL Server-based ERP data. One of our specialties over the years has been M-Files/Epicor integrations tailored to our customers’ unique requirements. Once the connection is made, there are many applications available; for example, managing vendor approvals, synchronizing full vendor invoices, and posting them automatically to Epicor.
What Is MFSQL Connector?
MFSQL Connector was developed by Laminin Solutions as an add-on for M-Files. With it, M-Files data can be synced to MS SQL Server databases to combine the power of SQL with the intelligent information management of M-Files.
MFSQL should be your choice if your company uses SQL Server as part of its data infrastructure because M-Files, while extremely powerful, does not cover all types of integrations. Using M-Files’ APIs and scripting is an option, but only if you have advanced developer skills and lots of extra time to devote to the job. Mastering the APIs is a prerequisite. But most companies want to save time, and many have SQL skills readily available, which is one of the reasons they are using M-Files in the first place.
With MFSQL Connector, you can integrate complex data and make changes quickly and easily. Data can be synchronized between M-Files and an ERP such as Epicor as soon as you are ready for it. With MFSQL Connector’s procedures and examples, you can build data synchronization extensions based on your unique requirements to push ERP data such as vendors and invoices into the ERP system and/or extend your ERP data elements in M-Files by enriching it with additional structured and unstructured data within M-Files.
Epicor Integration Made Simple
Let’s use M-Files/Epicor integration as an example of an MFSQL Connector application. In this example, Epicor integration has two parts.
First, M-Files classes that relate to vendor management and purchasing are synchronized with MS SQL Tables, where a M-Files class become a MS SQL Table in the MFSQL Connector database. This can be vendors, invoice headers, line items, invoice documents, payment documents, etc. Then, the Epicor SQL database is automatically updated when certain predetermined conditions are met using stored procedure business logic purpose built in either the MFSQL Connector database or the Epicor SQL Database.
When the information reaches a specific workflow state in M-Files, and an authorized user indicates readiness to update SQL with M-Files via an M-Files workflow state change, MFSQL synchronizes the data and pushes it into Epicor. Specific procedures determine when a vendor is approved and when invoices are approved and ready to be pushed into Epicor. After the integration is complete, M-Files is updated with the results. M-Files can also be updated with payment documents that match the metadata for the invoice.
Finally, Epicor is updated with a link to all documents that are related to an invoice. The user can easily click through to those documents from Epicor to M-Files using purpose-built hyperlinks made available within the Epicor user interface.
The Benefits of MFSQL Connector
MFSQL Connector enables Epicor integration with M-Files even if the user doesn’t have the time or programming skills that would normally be necessary. Integration feels easy and seamless because of automated processes that work in the background.
Because data can be transferred with relationships, you’ll be able to search for and access files in external databases with M-Files. Metadata allows you to import files into the database as well.
Together, Epicor and M-Files—working with MFSQL Connector—make your workplace more efficient by eliminating duplicate data entry. Your data are easier to manage, file, and utilize any time you need it.
This is only the beginning of how your company can benefit from MFSQL Connector enabled integrations. To learn more, visit our MFSQL Connector page and schedule a demo. We’ll show you exactly how using MFSQL Connector can meet the specific needs of your business.