Contract Management Software

Manage and control your contracts digitally from creation to archival. Provide real-time collaboration and a single source of truth for projects.


When your project-based business relies on contracts and document workflow, there’s too much at stake to use cumbersome, manual processes.

Automating the process with contract management software accelerates workflows, increases collaboration, and maintains document security.


  • Find documents fast
  • Protect sensitive data
  • Monitor contract actions
  • Establish consistent workflows
  • Eliminate mistakes, missed deadlines, and lost opportunities


Laminin Solutions recommends M-Files as your contract management software. As a meta-data-driven document management solution, M-Files has the intelligence needed to simplify contract management even in the most complex environments.           

With M-Files, documents do not need to be moved to a central repository. Instead, it creates connections to each document where it already exists whether that is a local hard drive, network folder, ERP system, cloud storage, or something else.

M-Files uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to analyze each file, extract information about its contents, and apply metadata tags to make it easy to identify. It enables a single view of all contracts within the organization.

M-Files can automate contract workflows. The system automatically creates assignments and notifications and guides contract documents through each stage from draft to reviews, comments, revisions, approvals, and signatures.


  • Create contracts from templates
  • Enforce contract terms
  • Ensure one authoritative version
  • Integrate with eSignatures
  • Provide alerts for contract renewal


Laminin Solutions works with engineering firms to implement document management software. In addition to contract management, M-Files can streamline engineering document change management. The results? Faster time-to-market and increased ROI.

With M-Files, Control Engineering Documents such as:

  • As-built and project documents
  • Drawings and metadata
  • 2-D and 3-D CAD files, BIM models, and office documents
  • Scanned images, flow diagrams, and schematics
  • Equipment specs, vendor manuals, operation and maintenance procedures, and more.

With M-Files, Automate Engineering Workflows including:

  • Change management
  • CAD drawing lifecycle
  • Engineering design collaboration
  • Contract review and signatures

Having engineering document management in place increases project efficiency and supports collaboration. Security and audit trails are built-in, so documents are safe and there is a continuous record of changes.


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